"Recipes are meant to be shared"...Ann Thibeault

Monday, November 02, 2009

Baked Ham Dinner

 Hams were on sale this week so I picked up a nice big one.  Butt end bone-in smoked ham.   Nothing more simple to cook than  a ham.  Just put it in a roasting pan, cover tightly with foil and place in a 325°F oven for two to four hours depending on the size of the ham.  Approximately 20 minutes a pound.   I like my ham to taste like ham so I don't add anything.  No liquid,  glazes, brown sugar,  mustard,,cloves or pineapple. Absolutely nothing.   The ham was oven-ready before leaving for work on Saturday and all Moe had to do was put it in the oven around 2:30 pm.  

I  walked in the door just before 5:30 and all I had to do was make the potato gratin and get it in the oven and cook the other sides.
 Roasted Butternut squash with rosemary

 steamed green beans.   
Another easy- to - put - together - after - work - dinner (As long as you have someone at home who can put the meat in the oven for you) and we were eating shortly after 6:30.  Earlier than most days. 

Butternut Squash (Roasted)
Adapted from: Sugar in the Raw

Butternut Squash
2 Tablespoons olive oil
1 Tablespoon fresh rosemary
1 tablespoon brown sugar

Cut the butternut squash into 1 inch cubes. Coat the squash with the olive oil.  Mix together the sugar, rosemary, salt and pepper and toss with the squash.

Place in a shallow roasting pan and roast in a 375°F oven until the squash is tender. Watch carefully so that the squash doesn't burn.


  1. You know Ann, that's the kind of meal that would make all of us happy. A plate loaded with carbs for me, and the ham for my beloved J.

    I think you may have covered all the colors of Autumn on one plate.

  2. An.. a ham dinner is a feast to me:) One of our daughters also..It's what I grew up to:)

    Yours is picture perfectly real.

  3. A lovely meal Ann...I love Ham and a potato gratin!
    That is usually our Easter dinner...but why not make it more often!
    I think I will!
    Yours looks so delicious!

  4. We don't eat ham 'cept maybe once, twice a year, though we enjoy it. Now I see yours, and I want ham. Potato gratin sounds perfect. Gosh, I want this.

  5. Wonderful dinner! What a coincidence, I just made roasted potatoes using rosemary ;) Your photos are always gorgeous!

  6. I love a ham dinner! The potato gratin looks especially inviting, as does the roasted butternut squash. Beautiful colors on the plate, too!

  7. I'm with you on the ham, Ann. No "stuff" on it!
    Lookd delicious.

  8. Hi Ann. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas. I wanted to email you and tell you that I finally cooked a ham the way you do and it turned out wonderful. I am just now beginning to enjoy cooking (in my 50's) and I have never liked a glaze on a ham. I was so happy with my ham. I have learned a lot from you and wanted to thank you for sharing so many good recipes. Wished we were neighbors! Merry Christmas!

  9. Nice to know that I'm not the only one that likes ham to taste like ham.

    Dianne, Thank you for the feedback. It is so nice to hear.

    Merry Christmas.


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