"Recipes are meant to be shared"...Ann Thibeault

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Plan Ahead Pizza

I try to bake bread at least one if not two days a week, on my days off.  This past week I baked 6 baguettes on Tuesday,  and three sourdough baguettes on Wednesday.  I saved enough dough from the sour dough batch to make a pizza. I know I have mentioned it before, but giving the dough a chance to develop over two or three days really does make for a superior crust.

The crust is so good it becomes the star of the show needing nothing more than a few simple toppings.   Last night's pizza was topped with just sauce, Bocconcini cheese (fresh mozzerella balls) and I had a few mushrooms that I needed to do something with. Sliced thin and sauted they were all we needed. 


  1. Our local pizza place does make pizza as delicious as this. This is just jump-up-and-down, I-can't-possibly-wait-one-more-second for-a-bite-of-this GOOD.

  2. yummy! happy halloween to you too~

  3. mmm..adoro la pizza!! molto invitante!!

  4. Oh, heaven! Just what I need today - when I am vegetarian!

  5. Gosh this looks good...so much better than anything I see locally....can I come over for a visit? Wow...so nice...the photos really do it justice!

  6. Great looking pizza! Homemade pizza is really hard to beat- I'd love a couple of slices of yours!

  7. oh wow.. looks incredible... as always..

  8. Gorgeous Pizza Ann! That crust really does steal the show, I would love that combination of toppings, too.

    Almost too pretty to eat.

    Almost. *grin* xo

  9. Another stunning pizza, Ann. I've been following along with your combinations and suggestions for several months and my pizzas have enormously improved. My family thanks you.

  10. Perfect! I love thin crust!

  11. Thank you all for your kind comments.

    Cathy, Thank you, I love this kind of feedback.

  12. pizza looks amazing, but I looked on your site and cannot find the recipe for the dough?

  13. Anonymous, I make my pizza crust out of a couple of different doughs, depending on the bread I've made that week. Julia Child's Baguette dough makes a wonderful pizza crust, especially if you make the dough a couple of days in advance. I knead up enough dough to make two or three baguettes and enough for a large pizza. The pizza dough can be left in the fridge for up to 2 to five days. The longer the fermentation the better the crust.




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