"Recipes are meant to be shared"...Ann Thibeault

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Turkey Revisited

It was just last Monday (Canadian Thanksgiving) that we had a turkey dinner.  But for some reason I was craving it again. So last night I roasted a whole turkey breast.  It was just over six pounds so lots of leftovers for my favourite Hot Turkey Sandwiches.

Besides the standards of dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy

we also had a cauliflower gratin

and brussels sprouts.
I was being lazy yesterday and didn't feel like going out so I used what I had on hand.

Cauliflower Au Gratin
This is an outline. I don't really follow a recipe when I make this.

Small head of cauliflower cooked until almost tender
Salt, pepper
Chicken broth
Cheddar Cheese or parmesan
Bread Crumbs
Parmesan cheese

Make a roux with butter and flour. Add a little minced garlic.

Add chicken broth and/or cream. Cook until sauce is thick and add some cheddar or Parmesan cheese.

Stir in the cauliflower. Pour into a casserole dish.

Sauté some fresh bread crumbs in a little butter seasoned with garlic and more Parmesan cheese and sprinkle on top of the cauliflower. Bake in a 350 oven until hot.


  1. This looks delicious. Another meal I just love!! I'm going to get either a roasting chicken or a turkey breast. And I want to try your Cauliflower Gratin. Looks wonderful -

  2. AHHH! Why must you torture me?? Turkey day is a whole...month...away! I am thinking Thanksgiving is coming early to our house! ;)

  3. We had a very similar dinner yesterday night but with a huge roasted chicken...I always start to crave the Thanksgiving meal around this time...
    Your looks wonderful! As always!

  4. I remember when years ago someone asked you if you were married:)

    I am sure you get proposals all the time;) But I know your heart belongs to Moe:)

    This looks like home on a plate.

  5. I'm so hungry for a turkey dinner just like the one you've prepared. Cauliflower au gratin is a favorite here. Brussel sprouts too. I can't wait for Thanksgiving.

  6. completely and totally *f a b u l o u s !! **

  7. WOW. This looks so hearty! I can imagine using the gratin recipe on broccoli too.

  8. I caved yesterday; had a wonderful turkey sandwich with stuffing and cranberry. I still think your dinner is much better!


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