"Recipes are meant to be shared"...Ann Thibeault

Friday, October 23, 2009

Beef Tenderloin Filets with a Green Peppercorn Sauce

I don't know if I have mentioned it before, but I LOVE green peppercorns.   But only the dried version.  I don't care for green peppercorns that have been brined.  They have a vinegary taste that I don't care for.

I pass a grocery store on my drive to work.   Most days I stop on my way to work or on my  way home from work and pick up what I need to make dinner.   Today I stopped on my way and picked up a couple of small beef tenderloin steaks.  Tonight's dinner was quick, easy and delicious.  It took only  about 30 minutes to prepare.  Tenderloin filets  in a green peppercorn sauce.  Dinner could have been ready sooner but I wanted Parisienne potatoes which meant peeling russets and using the melon baller to carve the potato balls and the potatoes took 20 minutes to cook.     The steaks were quick.  Rubbed with a garlic clove, lots of coarse ground black pepper and a little salt and quickly browned in a cast iron pan with a little butter and olive oil.   And I do mean quickly.  We prefer our beef on the rare side.  The sauce was made by sauting a chopped shallot and garlic in the drippings, adding about 3/4 of a cup of beef broth, in which the green peppercorns had soaked,   a teaspoon or two of Dijon mustard, simmered to reduce and a little cream added, simmered a minute or two longer.  By the time the sauce was reduced the potatoes were just about done and the steaks went back into the pan just long enough to reheat but not overcook.

Served with green beans and leftover Cauliflower Gratin.   One of a very few leftovers I actually like.


  1. Oh Ann..really..
    If ever you had to make me a meal:) I would take this.It looks perfect.
    I love Frédérick's steaks..Jacques..and yours.

  2. that looks absolutely mouth watering. The sauce! now I know how to make that. tq. honestly i'm feeling hungry just looking at your photos! :))

  3. Your "quick" meals always look like they took all day long to prepare! Beautiful - and delicious!!

  4. This looks so delicious! I am making a list right now for green peppercorns (not in brine!) as well as filets & cauliflower. Now to go hunt down your recipe for that AND those cute little potatoes!

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful cooking talents with those of us who never really learned. I ♥ your blog!!!

  5. No one does steak as perfectly as you do, Ann. And your photos! Oh my gosh. I am just starving.

  6. Monique, thank you for including me with Jacques and Frederick. I'm honored.

    Thanks Zurin and Linda.

    Lori, I love meals that are quick but look like they took all day.

    Rettabug, thank you. If you ever need help tracking down a recipe just email me.

    Thanks Katy.

  7. How does one print these recipes? Thank you

  8. Anonymous, I added a Print Recipe Link.

  9. Can you elaborate please on those Parisienne potatoes? :) You used the melon baller on the raw potato, then cook the balls, then roast them or how does it work?
    Thank you so much!

    1. Jane, Parisienne potatoes are so easy. Just cut the russet potatoes into balls using a melon baller. Rinse and dry well. Heat a little oil and butter in a shallow skillet. When hot add the potato balls and shake the pan, sauteing until the balls are golden brown. Turn down the heat to medium low and continue cooking until the potatoes are tender. Make sure you stir them around so that they don't burn. ~Ann


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