"Recipes are meant to be shared"...Ann Thibeault

Monday, October 19, 2009

Breakfast - Chorizo and Cherry Tomato Frittata

Usually I'm cooking breakfast for Moe between 6:30 and 7:00, especially on the days that I work. I'm not interested in eating at that time.  But on my days off I like to make a late breakfast/brunch.  This morning I sauted a couple of chorizo sausages and a few cherry tomatoes that came from our garden ( I still have a few ripening on the counter) and made a Frittata to share.   The eggs were seasoned with salt, pepper and fresh chives.  Served with slices of toasted homemade baguette.

Steaming Hot


  1. Ann..that's hot.

    And you know what I mean:)

  2. Oh my, that is beautiful! And your marvelous homemade bread, toasted. I don't think it gets any better than that. What a treasure you are Ann!

    And now I have "steam" envy. You captured that so perfectly!

    I'm always in awe of your photography as well as your cooking and baking skills. Perfection!

  3. That has to be one of the most beautiful breakfasts I've ever seen. I love the steam in the photo, too!!

  4. A breakfast like this would get anyone up with a huge smile and filled with anticipation!

  5. OMG...that is just the most gorgeous breakfast...
    I am hungry for the first time in days...
    This pic is simply magnificent..


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