"Recipes are meant to be shared"...Ann Thibeault

Thursday, January 15, 2015

2015 Bread Diary

January 1st


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January 4th

One medium size Boule and a pizza.


Mushroom and Sausage Pizza.
Dough was given a long fermentation.
Been in the fridge since January 1st.


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January 6th

Eight Small Baguettes
The dough was made on the 5th.

Really love the crumb on these breads.

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January 7th

75% Whole Wheat Dough.
Hand-mixed on January 6th.

The Whole Wheat was locally milled.

Baked on January 7th.

Whole Wheat Crumb.

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January 8th

Dough was given 24 hours in the fridge.
By placing the baguettes on the stones diagonally I was able to bake longer baguettes.
 One just over 19" long and the other just under 18".

Sliced Baguette

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January 13th

Three Batards


  1. You are a bread baking machine and it all looks so good.

  2. The bread must be very delicious, but if you could tell us use a bread maker make it, it would be very nice.

    1. You can use your bread maker to do all the mixing/kneading but don't bake in the bread maker. Shape and bake on a stone in the oven.


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