"Recipes are meant to be shared"...Ann Thibeault

Friday, September 12, 2014

My Favourite Bread

This is my basic everyday bread.

Makes wonderful baguettes, large boules, mini baguettes or small boules or buns.
With a longer fermentation, it also makes a great pizza crust.

This week's batch I made into small boules. 
Too big to use as buns,
but the perfect size when sliced to make a sandwich for two or to toast.

The bread can be made and baked the same day, or the dough can
go into the fridge for a longer fermentation.

It can also be adapted to make a sourdough version.

I also adjust the hydration from 68% to 92% depending on the crumb I want.

Basic Baguette Dough 

1000g white
720g water
4 to 5 g yeast
26g salt

 I use the pinch and fold method  to knead this dough by hand.
With a couple of rests (autolyze) between steps.

For a sourdough version, I make a sourdough biga
(500g with 100% hydration)
and just add it to the above.

This bread was started early afternoon.
I had to go out for a few hours so the dough went into the fridge.
Taken out around 4:00 PM

and the bread came out of the oven at 9:30 PM.

It was still cooling when I went to bed, so I just left it on
a rack, covered with a tea towel.

Sliced for breakfast.
I love that I can get this kind of crumb with same day bread.

This bread also freezes well.
Just wrap in paper towels and then into freezer bags.


  1. Sigh! Drool! Darn! I have to go change shirts since I slobbered all over this one staring at those gorgeous bread pictures.

  2. I am sorry to gush, but you are the best bread baker. I am in awe at your skill. I love the small loaves for empty-nesters.


    1. Thanks Madonna. I wish I had thought of making smaller loaves years ago. I love the small Boules and the mini baguette size. They freeze well I have a few friends that like to be on the receiving end of homemade bread and they love to receive a couple of the smaller loaves.

  3. Such lovely breads!!! But what temp did you use to make the breads and was there a dutch oven involved?

    1. Ariel, I bake almost all my breads on a stone in the oven at 500°F. Occasionally I will bake a large round in a Dutch Oven, but not oven.


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