"Recipes are meant to be shared"...Ann Thibeault

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Perogies for Dinner

   Matt has a few days off work so he came up late yesterday afternoon and stayed the night.  I love having our son home. One of Matt's favourite meals is Perogies  - so that is what we had.   Although a little time consuming they are very easy to make.   Served with fried onions, bacon and sour cream.  I froze a couple of dozen extra for Matt to take home with him.

This is just a guideline type recipe.  I watched a friend's mom make Perogies and make mine the same way.
Perogies - Pictorial

This is one of those recipes where exact measurements aren't that important. Just adjust to suit your own taste.



3 cups flour
1 egg
teaspoon salt
1/4 cup sour cream

Place ingredients in food processor pulse to mix.  Add a little water and process until dough comes together.  Should be a soft dough, but not sticky.
Wrap in plastic and let rest for at least 30 minutes.


2 Russet potatoes (Cooked and mashed and butter)
1 large onion chopped
2 cups grated cheddar cheese (more or less to taste)

Saute the onions in butter until golden.
Add onions to mashed potatoes.  Mix in the cheese and season with salt and pepper.  Make sure the potatoes are hot so that the cheese melts.


Roll the dough out and use a 2 or 3 inch biscuit cutter to cut the rounds. Gather up the scrapes and reroll. Brush the edges of the dough with a bit of beaten egg white, add a teaspoon or so of potato cheese filling and seal. Use a fork to seal the edges. I put them on cookie sheets lined with parchment and freeze. Once frozen place in freezer containers. To cook, just bring a pot of water, seasoned with salt to a boil and simmer the perogies until they float. Only takes a few minutes to cook.

Toss the cooked perogies with some fried onions and bacon or side pork (pork belly) and serve with sour cream.


  1. You are a wonderful Mommy!
    I have never made these from scratch....I really need to give them a whirl. My Grandma made them all the time and I am told they were fabulous!
    I am hungry for perogies now...yum!
    Enjoy your boy!

  2. Oh yeah baby:) I have heard people say that when they want to super compliment:)

  3. I do not believe that I have ever had a perogie,not even once. But they always look soooo good and are just made with ingredients that I love. I think I've just been afraid to try and make them, grins. One day I shall try these. I just know I'd be mad for them.

  4. I stumbled across your blog and this recipe last week. I've always bought frozen perogies because I thought it would be too much trouble to make them. Boy was I wrong! Super easy and delicious. I will be making these again. Thank you!

  5. I am about to make perogies in the morning. This will be my first time ever....I have been following you for over a year now and have made many items...Thank you. I live in California now but was born and raised in Vancouver and found you by chance. You are fantastic!!!


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