"Recipes are meant to be shared"...Ann Thibeault

Friday, November 27, 2009

My Favourite Cornbread

Baked in a vintage  Griswold cast iron frying pan

Being a "Northerner" and a "Canadian" at that, I like my cornbread on the sweet side.   The exception is when I bake it with the idea of using at least some of it in a Cornbread stuffing/dressing.    I  have two cornbread recipes that I use interchangeably.  One has a  lighter more tender texture and the other is a little coarser. The later is perfect for using in a stuffing.  And since I was planning on roasting a chicken for dinner and making a corn bread stuffing  this is the recipe I went with.   I reduced the sugar but it was still perfect for breakfast.   Moe topped  his with a little butter and honey and I had  mine with just butter.  The rest was left out on the counter to dry out a little for the stuffing. 

Cornbread Loaf
1 1/2 cups yellow cornmeal
1 cup all purpose flour
1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 eggs
6 tablespoons melted and cooled butter
8 tablespoons melted and cooled vegetable shortening
1 1/2 cups milk

Preheat the oven to 400°.  sift into a mixing bowl the cornmeal, flour, sugar, salt and baking powder.   Beat the eggs lightly, add the melted butter and shortening, and stir in the 1 1/2 cups of milk. Pour into the bowl of dry ingredients and beat together for about a minute, or until smooth.  Do not over beat.  Lightly butter an 8 x 12 inch shallow baking pan and pour in the batter.  Bake in the center of the oven for about 30 minutes, or until the bread comes slightly away from the edge of the pan and is golden brown.  If you wish you make bake the cornbread in a 9 x 5 x 3 inch loaf pan or in muffin tins.  Increase the baking time to 45 minutes if using a loaf pan. Also great baked in a cast iron skillet.

Cornbread on Foodista


  1. I have never made cornbread. I think I shd try your recipe. It certainly looks good! :))

  2. I just bought the little stick mold..so I look forward to making this..

  3. I would like it Moe's way, with butter and honey. Wish I had a big slice with my coffee this morning.

  4. Yum Ann...I was just going up to make a pan of cornbread to have with our Thanksgiving leftovers when I saw this!
    Looks wonderful!

  5. I haven't made cornbread from scratch. I think I will need to do it...I have my eye on a duck cassoulet that looks yummy and is asking for cornbread to be the accompaniment!

  6. I was just going to look for a cornbread recipe and here it is! thanks!

  7. Do you need to have a cast iron skillet? I'd love to try this but I'm not sure if that affects the cooking process=?

  8. Sherry, No, you certainly do not need a cast iron pan. I often bake this cornbread in a loaf pan, muffin tins and in round cake pans.

    You will need to adjust the baking time. It is different in each pan. The loaf pan takes longer because th cake is denser. Muffins take less time.


  9. I tried this today to go with the homemade gumbo we made for family and friends! It turned out great! Thanks for sharing!


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