"Recipes are meant to be shared"...Ann Thibeault

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Definitely Carnivores

I still had a small Sirloin Tip roast in the freezer so it became our Tuesday night's dinner.  With simple sides of mashed potatoes and buttered peas.   The roast took all of 30 minutes on high heat (500°F) to roast.

Last night's dinner was grilled pork chops seasoned with just salt, pepper and fresh garlic and served with another favourite - potato gratin made with fried onions, fresh thyme and chicken broth.  I like this as an alternative to the gratin made with cream.   

Braised Broccolini on the side.

Potato Gratin  in Chicken Broth
3 or 4 Large Russett Potatoes
1 onion sliced
oil of choice
fresh thyme
chicken broth
Parmesan cheese
salt and pepper

NOTE:  The amount of chicken broth will depend on the number of potatoes.  You want enough to moisten the potatoes, but not so much they are floating in liquid.

Heat oil and saute onions until just golden.  Add chicken broth and fresh thyme.

Slice potatoes and place one layer in a shallow casserole dish.  Pour on half of the onion mixture.  Top with another layer of potatoes and add the rest of the onions and broth.  Sprinkle with some fresh grated Parmesan cheese and bake in the oven until potatoes are tender and most of the broth has being absorbed.

Let sit for 5 minutes and then serve.


  1. Lovely,Lovely, food....all of it...
    I would love to come and sit at your table because your food all looks so comforting Ann...
    today I could use some comfort!

  2. My stomach growled from looking at your dinners. Everything looks sooo good...

  3. Both dinners look so delicious. Using chicken stock is a nice change from a richer gratin. I would love to come to your house for dinner any day of the week.


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