"Recipes are meant to be shared"...Ann Thibeault

Monday, November 23, 2009

Cooking for One

Nothing too exciting coming out of my kitchen this week.  Moe has been out of town since Thursday so I have been cooking for myself.

Thursday night I made a chicken stew with dumplings (No pictures) and took leftovers to work on Friday for lunch.  Friday night I had toast and tea for dinner.  At least it was homemade bread.

Dinner Saturday night was easy.  Wings seasoned with fresh garlic, cayenne pepper, salt and lots of fresh black pepper, roasted in a hot oven (450°F)  and served with a dip made with Franks Hot Sauce and melted butter.  

 I roasted a small chicken Sunday morning before leaving for work thinking I would make a hot chicken sandwich for dinner.  Instead I ended up making a Toasted Clubhouse Sandwich. 


  1. That sandwich looks like the perfect lunch - yummy. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.

  2. Cooking for one is a challenge. Thanks for the yummy ideas. Those wings look pretty darn good.

  3. Everything you make looks soooo good!

  4. Cooking for one is hard especially if it has been along day...I like your ideas! I usually have a piece of sourdough with cheese melted on it...not too exciting but I like it!
    I will try your chicken ideas!

  5. Ann, these are just so goood looking! I have not seen more attractive wings, or (one of my very favorites...) a more appetizing toasted Clubhouse Sandwich. You have that certain magic touch with both food AND the camera. Very nicely done. *sigh*

    I imagine Moe has been missing your fabulous food and will be happy to enjoying it again, and soon! :)

  6. Ann, I'll be making your toasted sandwich with turkey instead of chicken later this week! I never think to put bacon inside a sandwich but it sure makes it special. Thanks for the reminder!

    I remember my grandmother saying how hard it was to cook for just one person. She would frequently have just a soft boiled egg for her evening meal. You did MUCH better! :D


  7. That sandwich looks marvellous! God I must make one very very very soon.Your pictures are so mouthwatering..:))

  8. Whatta goodlookin' sandwich!!! I second Zurin's comment!


  9. In the spirit of the family and the holidays, I was hoping you could help me spread the word...


    Happy Holidays!!

  10. Those are wicked wicked sandwich! They look so delicious :)

  11. Sensory overload. Just sensational on so many levels.

  12. mmmm im making clubhouse sandwiches right now lol


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