"Recipes are meant to be shared"...Ann Thibeault

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thanksgiving Dinner

Yesterday was our Thanksgivng.  Dinner was a traditional Roast Turkey Dinner.  We had dinner next door with our wonderful neighbours Clif and Barb.  Clif bought the turkey, a fresh 14 pound free range and gave it too me Saturday.   I presalted it , wrapped it in plastic wrap and into the fridge it went.   Sunday night I uncovered it and left it to air dry in the fridge until two hours before it went into the oven.   I left it on the counter for two hours so that it could come close to room temperature before going in the oven.  Roasted at 500°F the turkey was done in one hour and 45 minutes and left to rest for 40 minutes or so before carving. Served with bread stuffing/dressing that was baked separately, mashed potatoes and gravy, cubed rutabaga, little tiny Brussels sprouts and homemade cranberry sauce.

Since my Bread and Butter pudding is Barb's favourite dessert that is what I made.  Put together earlier in the day so that the bread could absorb much of the custard.  Topped off with homemade caramel sauce.

Home Cookin Chapter: Recipes From Thibeault's Table

Bread And Butter Pudding With Caramel Sauce
5 or 6 slices of bread
1/2 cup butter

1 to 1 1/2 cups sugar
5 eggs
2 cups cream (Or milk)
pinch of salt

NOTE:  If you prefer the pudding to have more custard, then use less bread so that all of the custard is not absorbed into the bread when baked.

Cut crusts from bread and spread each slice with butter. (Bread slices can be left whole, or cut into halves, quarters or cubes. Place bread butterd  side up in a oven proof dish.  (may use any shape dish, or glass loaf pan, cutting bread to fit)

Beat the sugar and eggs together and then add the cream, vanilla and salt. Pour over bread and allow the bread to absorb.  (make be refrigerated at this point and baked later)

Sprinkle with some white sugar and place dish into a pan of hot water and bake in a 350 oven for 45 to 1 hour, or until pudding is set and golden.

Caramel Sauce

1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup cream
pinch of salt
2 teaspoons vanilla

Bring butter, sugars, cream and salt to a boil and then simmer for 3 or 4 minutes.  Remove from heat and add the vanilla.


  1. I assume the turkey was roasted according to the method in Barbara Kafka's book. I may need to borrow a copy before Thanksgiving here. last year I took over the Thanksgiving prep, on the road at my dad's. We bring a local turkey from here with us.

    I hope you had a wonderful holiday. It looks like you did.


  2. Your dinner looks like ours:) I think it's great you moved and got such great neighbours/vice versa..it makes life so enjoyable to have nice neighbours..Thanksgiving on the street:)

  3. Your turkey is superb; done to perfection!

    Bread pudding...oh so homey and lovely!

  4. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. Your turkey looks wonderful. The pudding....ummmm. Love it.

  5. Ann, what a fabulous feast.

    I agree with Monique, what good fortune that you have great neighbors (and vice versa), they are lucky too!

    Gorgeous photos *sigh*

    A Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. xo ~m.

  6. I can taste this. No really I can because we just had it. I will have to try your turkey method. Maybe for Christmas.

  7. Oh this is my favorite holiday and my favorite food...I can just taste your beautiful dinner right through the screen!
    What a beautiful bird you made!

  8. Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday. Good food, football and family! Your bread pudding looks divine. I may have to forgoe the pumpkin pie this year.

  9. Every dish looks delicious; the golden turkey and that lovely bread pudding! Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving!


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