"Recipes are meant to be shared"...Ann Thibeault

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Beef, Beef and More Beef...........

Beef will be on the menu here...........

Yesterday I bought a whole boneless Rib eye roast weighing over 13 pounds. Triple A ( AAA) Alberta beef. I cut it up into 12 thick steaks. All were around one pound or slightly over.   Since Moe and I both enjoy our steaks rare, I prefer to grill one thick steak, big enough for us to share.

I made Moe a "steak sandwich" for dinner last night.  Grilled and served over toasted baguette.


  1. We are definitely carnivores in our house. I do like my beef cooked to medium...just enough to change the texture to cooked consistancy. My husband goes for the rare. One of my adult sons sees the blood on the plate and leaves the table to sick to eat anything anymore.
    We often buy the whole loin and cut it up ourselves. So much more economical.

  2. Not sure if I mentioned it before but my sister lives in the Cowichan Valley. Go Caps.

  3. That is some fine looking beef, Ann!

    I can imagine the fabulous meals you will be preparing and enjoying. My mouth is watering!

    BTW, that is some feat to make raw meat look appealing and you did it beautifully. Nice job!


  4. Oh yum...I would love one of those right now!
    True.... you can even make a slice of raw meat look gorgeous!

  5. Your freezer is nice and full now! That beef looks amazing. I'm looking forward to all the meals consisting of these beauties!

  6. Oh my! I think I will by a whole bonless ribeye roast this week...first I need to get my knife sharpened. I love all your pictures (still hoarding the cards you made :-) but I think I like your beef pictures the best!


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