"Recipes are meant to be shared"...Ann Thibeault

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Baking Bread.....................

..........is what I enjoying doing on my days off. Although I'll play around with rye and whole wheat occasionally, it is white bread that we prefer. Usually a French or Italian or sourdough based bread with a good crust. So most weeks, I try to bake at least twice and sometimes three times. And I usually share a loaf or two with our neighbours. Everyone loves homemade bread.

Yesterday I took some sourdough that was in the fridge and added it to a new batch of dough. Made three large loaves and had enough dough left to make a pizza for dinner. This dough makes the best pizza crust.


  1. La Reine Du Pain~
    (The Queen Of Bread)

    I bow to you:)

  2. Your bread is a thing of beauty!
    I should stay off this computer and bake some this week!

  3. Magnificent! So beautiful, the crust, the crumb...
    It's a bread that fills the heart. :)

  4. This is such a great blog!!! Really makes me hungry just reading and looking at the pictures : ) I recently baked my first loaf of bread and it was incredible!!! I used a starter my friend told me about. It's from Sourdough's International and now I have to spread the word! I loved it. Definitely going to order more when it comes the time.

    1. Thanks Rachael. Instead of purchasing a sourdough starter, you might try making your own. You can find the details here:........ http://www.thibeaultstable.com/2009/11/best-reason-for-baking-homemade.html


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